What a weird (and kind of wonderful) Thank You, Zach Braff

Yeah, this happened.

And it made me giggle, honestly. So cheesy, yes, but in a good way… And it honestly looks like a good movie.

Anyhow, yes, I owe a weekend reader post AT LEAST… It was another convention weekend, but the less said about that, the better. Any-anyhow, it is a-comin. But I hope you enjoy a glimpse at MY PERSONAL TRAILER in the meantime.

The Weekend Reader – May 9ish (The TON Of Reading and Happy Mothers Day Edition)

It has been a couple of weeks… (Feel free to put the emphasis on that sentence wherever you would like…)

Pneumonia. Ick. The less said about it, the better. But I have been itchy to get back to work (at least, I think that is what the itch is) so I will start off niiiiiiiice and sloooooow. With some time on my hands, much reading was done. SO MUCH.


Get ready for the random stuff:


And the good stuff: