The Weekend Reader – March 21ish (The FREE STUFF AT MEGACON Edition)

Yes, MEGACON attendees, you heard right- We want to give you free stuff! If you didn’t get a download card in your swag bag, let us know on Facebook and we’ll send you the info on how to get your download when it’s ready- just for you!

Also, to tie up the rest of the con loose ends, two awesome artists that should have been on the list of awesome ladies from Toronto Comicon:

The incredible Dear Alice (She does so much different and cool stuff, it’s impossible to talk through it all. I don’t see a link to her astonishing Loki print, which I have previously pimped. But maybe if you get in touch and ask nicely, she’ll let you buy one…?)

Have you ever seen 8-bit Golden Girls Artwork? You have now. Thank  you, K8 Bit Hero

And because I have been lost in Con-Land, here’s a very rudimentary Survival Guide For Comic-Con from The Mary Sue (which applies to all cons, really…)

And one that will melt your frozen and otherwise unavailable heart: A very special teen invents the comic book vending machine

In movie news this week, someone gave M. Night Shayamalan enough money to make another movie, so pretty much anyone who wants a career in the movie business still has a chance.

Also, if you’re ever feeling low after a rejection, read these rejection letters. It’s all about finding people who believe in you, so keep on keeping on, my friends.

(And I am woefully behind on my reading, so please feel free to shout at me if there are topics/articles/discussions that I’m missing out on that fit the Twelve Percent mandate! Or, hey, if you want to do a Guest Blog, just say so!)

Awesome Ladies of Toronto Comicon

I am still wildly behind in just about everything… I did take a quiz that determined I’m “Divergent”. So I’m destined to be useless in future society. The whole thing seems to involve too much running around…

But I digress.

First of all, if you haven’t had a chance, please check out the first preview of my new comic and Like the Lost Angels Facebook page. Doing that means you get a free download of the preview issue. Awesome, riiiiiiight?

Anyhow, I have been wanting to post a list of great artists I had the chance to be around during the Toronto ComiCon weekend. So, here it is, in no particular order:

First of all, if you are also on Team Rogers, you need to go to Try This On For Size and ask them to ship you their Team Rogers shirt. It is awesome. It’s not currently listed on their site, but they had it at Toronto ComiCon, so I’m hopeful you can still order it off-menu. DO IT. #TEAMROGERS

Ahem, anyway… keep in mind I spent most of my time tied to a table (not literally… I don’t think…) but these were some fabulous ladies nearby. If you want to read more with them, there will be some follow-up with a piece on women in comics coming up on Fat Girl Food Squad. Keep on it!

First of all, Deena Draws, because her kung fu is the best

The fab pin ups of Amy Spaulding

Killer artwork from Indy Lytle

Michelle Stewart at Stellar Forms

The amazing Kristi, or on Tumblr, MsAether

Brilliant shirts et al from Geek Charming


Weekend reader is coming up ASAP. Hope you’re enjoying the (slightly) better weather in the meantime!

Note To NWI Comic Con Attendees: We Want To Give You Free Stuff

This is the weekend it all begins…

If you attended the NWI comic con this weekend, chances are good you’ll get a free download of a top-secret new comic. (Of course, if you attended NWI and didn’t get the offer, get in touch and I’ll make sure to add you to the distribution list.)

Our comic is, in fact, so top secret that we’re not ready to show it off just yet. Your d/l code is good forever, though, so please check back here, on Facebook and/or on our main site ( and we’ll get it to you FIRST!

Toronto is up next! Oh yes it is… Details to follow.

And, as always, if there’s a con/event/big ole shindig you would like to see us at, just give us a shout. We want to be EVERYWHERE.

It begins. IT BEGINS!

Comics (Books, Not People Or Strips). Mostly.

I think I may have warned this ages ago, but I occasionally write about comic-related things. I’ll file them in their own category, so that anyone who is prone to eye-rolling (or who is just not a fan but is still cool about it) those posts will be easy to tune out.

(I’m working on a comic right now, so it’s a topic that I predict will keep popping up from time to time…)

Firstly, a random round up of things I’ve been meaning to post… Like this link from The Awl- How Much More Do Comic Books Cost Today?

And a couple of projects from actor-folk you may already be fans of:

Alyssa Milano has a new comic book project- Hacktivist

(This one is from BOOM! Studios… Anyone had any dealings with them as a creator?)

Taran Killam’s James Bond-style spoof The Illegitimates

And, of course, now public citizen Shia LaBeouf has had some creator issues of his own…

So, yeah, comic books. We’ll be back to screenplays tomorrow. After all, ladies need multiple revenue streams too, y’all.


Don’t Do What Johnny Dont Does

I should probably say upfront that I am a fan of The Black List. I know there are complaints about… whatever they’re about, but I’ve gotten great guidance from the group over there. Plus, there’s The Black Board, which is a great place for screenwriters to discuss topics at hand (Bested only, I think, by the forums on Done Deal Pro, which I’ll save for another post).

But, for now, an interesting post from The Black Board that leads back to a Tumblr post by Jill Pantozzi.

It’s a couple of quick reads, and will leave you nodding your head and thinking all this makes sense… But if this all makes so much sense, why on earth does it still happen? The objectification of women in comics should have ended… I dunno, forever ago? But it persists in such blatant, inexplicable ways.

I spent days at a con earlier this year, sitting across from an artist with a portfolio that seemed to only consist of barely clothed women. He didn’t seem to get a lot of people stopping at his table, and I suspect that’s because the crowd at the con seemed to be more than half comprised of women. Which shouldn’t shock anyone. I hope. (Except maybe that guy.)